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Shiva and Parvati, revered figures in Hindu mythology, are often depicted together in Thangka painting, showcasing their divine union and the balance between male and female energies. The Shiva and Parvati, also known as Shiva and Shakti, Thangka is an exquisite example of the intricate artistry and profound symbolism and meaning found in traditional Tibetan art.

Shiva, known as the destroyer and transformer, is one of the principal deities of Hinduism and a member of the holy trinity, alongside Brahma and Vishnu. He is typically portrayed with a third eye on his forehead, a symbol of his ability to see beyond the physical realm. Shiva's cosmic dance, the Tandava, is said to represent the continuous cycle of creation, preservation, and destruction within the universe.

Parvati, the goddess of love and devotion, is regarded as the mother of the universe and represents the nurturing, compassionate aspect of divinity. She is the wife of Shiva and embodies the spiritual energy, or Shakti, that complements and balances Shiva's masculine force. The divine couple's union signifies the perfect harmony between the dual aspects of the universe, creating an equilibrium that sustains all life.

In a Shiva and Parvati Thangka, the central figures are often depicted standing on a lotus throne, symbolising purity and spiritual awakening. Shiva may be shown holding a trident, representing the trinity of creation, maintenance, and destruction, while Parvati is portrayed with a gentle, loving expression, reflecting her nurturing qualities. The intricate details of the Thangka painting, a prime example of Tibetan art, are often embellished with vivid colours and gold accents, highlighting the divine nature of the subjects.

Shiva & Shakti Thangka Painting. Gammas Art Gallery
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